Friday, August 15, 2008

Moving Day

Although its presence was always lurking in the foggy future, I was not sure when this day might come. With the progression of events, it seems that right now is the perfect time. 

I am finally done growing flowers. It was a long season. I have tended them, watched over them, and provided them with all they needed to flourish. I used the dirt that once existed to grow the most exquisite bouquet of blooms. This transformation healed deep wounds within, allowing me to let the past rest and move on with a happier and more fulfilling future. 

I will bring my flowers with me to the other side of the world. The strength they have given me is truly of immeasurable worth. 

The most sincere "Thank you" to all who have helped me in this transformation, who encouraged me find a new path and walk down it with all the strength I could muster and claim the freedom necessary to finally experience myself. 

For no less than the next year, all blogging has moved to 

Thank you all for everything. Know, with all the sincerity I can send through the internet, that I will be thinking of you on my journeys. 

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