Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Myrtle Beach

My mom and I took a more or less spur of the moment trip to Myrtle Beach to get in some good memory/ bonding time before I depart for a long, long time. 

Myrtle Beach is a pretty crazy place, but we had a really good time and partook in a few in- depth conversations about how Myrtle Beach is a prime representation of modernity at its very best/worst (depending on your viewpoint of modernity). Huge buildings, huge cars, huge people, huge portions, huge shopping complexes . . . everything was huge. This was quite nicely offset by our mode of transportation: the Mini! 

Here are some pictures: 

The view from our hotel room

The pool below

Us at the beach

An amazing sandcastle

Huge shrimp!!

Hard Rock Park

I rode that beast!! Twice! 

Exhausted in a big, white, fluffy bed after a long day

It's raining! How sad!

Luckily the rain appeared when we were leaving, not arriving! 

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