Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ooooo Baby . . .

I saw him today. 

You know who I am talking about. 

I was at the pool, minding my own business, when BAM! in he walks. I couldn't believe my eyes. A cultural icon as important as Bigfoot, as mythical as the centaur, there he was . . . 



How you made my day. And how fat you were. And how you tried to swim, but failed in all your unclothed fatness. But, don't worry, I won't judge. You brought a little euro flair, and thats cool. 


Rebecca said...

mmmmm, yummy.

Katie said...

I'm hoping to see a lot of those in Florida. Maybe even some man thongs if I'm lucky....

3po said...

In 20 years that’s how I will probably look. Hotter than Fabio…

Rebecca said...

I support that 3po, but only if you find a gold cross that is larger . . .